
The Santa Fe Food Policy Council is devoted to creating and maintaining a regional food system that provides safe and nutritious food at reasonable prices to all residents, particularly those in need.
The Santa Fe Food Policy Council was established by a joint resolution from the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County.
The 13 member Council meets on the fourth Thursday of every month except during November and December when meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday due to the holidays. Meetings are open to the public. The Council meets from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the conference room of Kitchen Angels located at 1222 Siler Road.
Why the Need?
In Santa Fe County, obesity, diabetes and food insecurity levels are above the national averages, and pressure for development threatens agricultural land and water resources. An effective way to address these issues is through a coordinated approach—one that provides an opportunity for both the public and private sectors to participate—one that results in meaningful solutions. A proven way to do this is through a food policy council. It is estimated that there are 267 food policy councils in the US.
Some of the Santa Fe Food Policy Council’s recent policy accomplishments include completing an assessment of the city and county’s foodshed (the area where our food comes from) which provides information on our community’s food culture and access issues from which to make recommendations for institutional changes. The collected information provides a picture of the health of our community members.
The Food Plan
The Council has held community conversations and focus groups with seniors at City and County senior centers to hear from them directly about the needs and challenges related to food and food access. Also collected have been statistics related to hunger and how many residents get support from local food banks or shelters.
This year, the Council published Planning for Santa Fe’s Food Future: Querencia, a Story of Food, Farming, and Friends,” We talked with community members to collect information which helped us direct our efforts and ensure that our work upholds the priorities determined by our community. Through this process we aimed to promote equity and sustainability within our food system that will help improve our community’s relationship with food on collective and individual levels.
Interesting links
Here are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)Pages
- About
- Contact Us
- Cookie Policy
- Executive Summary
- Food Council
- Getting Food
- Growing Food
- Home
- Initiatives
- Learning About Food
- Meeting Dates
- News
- Podcasts
- Recommendations at a Glance
- Report from the 2017 Santa Fe Food Forum
- Resources
- Santa Fe Food Forum Photos
- Santa Fe Food Policy Council Meetings
- Social Media Policy
- Council Members
- Public Health & Agricultural Economy
- Food Plan
- Urban Agriculture
- Santa Fe County Sustainable Land Development Code