Guided by our mission of promoting locally based agriculture through education, community outreach and networking, Farm to Table focuses on community capacity building strategies that empower individuals, families, enterprises, and groups to effectively address place-based solutions.

Support Farm to Table!… participate today in Give ¡Grande! New Mexico

GiveGrandeNM LogoA Dynamic 24 Hour Event

Today…   Participate in a community-giving event and support the work of Farm to Table by going online to Give Grande New Mexico and designating Farm to Table as the recipient of your donation.

One Day. Every Person. Our Community.  Today is the day, every gift given to Farm to Table through Give Grande New Mexico will be magnified by matching funds from local donors and national sponsors!  Donate online  —it’s fast, easy and secure.  Help us raise much needed funds that support Farm to Table’s impactful programs and make history in New Mexico by Giving Grande!



Farm to Table Friend & Fund Raiser Event

  • Saturday, June 14th, 4-7pm –  Friend & Fundraising Event Come join Farm to Table in beautiful Embudo and enjoy a lovely evening of good food and friends with the Campos family at their Comida de Campos farm!


Mark Your Calendars for June 14th for this year’s Friend & Fundraiser Event in support of Farm to Table.

The Event will take place at the Campos family’s Comida de Campos aka Algo Nativo Farm.  Located just north of Santa Fe in scenic Embudo, New Mexico where generations of the Campos family have been nurturing the land in the lush Rio Grande Valley.

 Eremita, Margaret and kids welcome you to their family-run, chemical-free sustainable farm on the banks of the Rio Grande.  Their sought-after hospitality has been enjoyed by many who have participated in their Comida de Campos—Food from the Field culinary delights at Algo Nativo Farm…A place where fresh produce, authentic New Mexican recipes, hands-on cooking and timeless hospitality will delight your senses and warm your heart.

Cost:  $50 per person. More Information and to Buy Tickets.